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These days, video is EVERYWHERE. On your Facebook feed, all over Google, Youtube. Seems like every startup, website, and blog has one, right?

At this point, you might be wondering, “But just cause everyone else is doing it…does our organization really need video? What benefits will it bring that we can’t get from a few blog posts or social media tweets?”

I’m glad you asked!

Leveraging video to get the word out is CRUCIAL these days, and is only becoming more important. But don’t take my word for it.

Here are 8 crucial video statistics that your social impact organization needs to know about and why:

1) The chances of getting a page one listing on Google increase 53 times with video. (Forrester Research)

As we all know through our own Google searches, if you aren’t showing up on the first page of results, you might as well be wearing an invisibility cloak. Make it easy for people to discover you, learn about you, become invested in you.

2) Video in email can boost open rates by 20%, increase click-through rates 2-3X, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. (Experian)

Using email to keep in touch with supporters and funders is ESPECIALLY important for social causes. Newsletters and e-mail updates are the best way to keep your people in the loop, engaged, and ready to rally when needed.

Email smarter. Use video as part of your e-mail strategy and keep people more engaged and less likely to unsubscribe.

3) Companies using video require 37% fewer site visits before a person responds to a call to action. (Aberdeen Group and Brightcove)

Every video you make should serve a larger, overall purpose. A goal. A call-to-action. And the easier you make it for people to respond to your call-to-action, the closer you’ll be to enacting widespread change.

4) People who watch video are 85% more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t. (Kiosked and Brightcove)

Replace “make a purchase” with “take action” and you’ll see the immense value for your cause.

5) Retention rate for visual information can reach 65% vs. 10% for text-based information. (Invodo)

It’s no surprise, but explainer videos make information much easier to remember. Just like a teacher at a whiteboard, video uses multiple streams of information to get a point across – verbal, visual, auditory – all of which makes it easier for our brains to process and retain.

6) The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video. (Mist Media)

That’s 88% more time for someone to learn about your mission, fall in love with what you’re doing, and to go from a passive bystander to an actionable believer.

7) 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. (Invodo)

Even though video is far from the cheapest content to produce, for all the reasons listed above, it’s clear to see why video still provides the most bang for your bucks.

8) 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video. (Brainshark)

That’s 3/4th’s of ALL internet traffic. No matter what these stats say now, their importance is only going to RISE higher and higher in the future!
Hopefully these 8 statistics shed some light on how important video is to your social impact strategy. Used in the right way, video is an indispensable tool for any organization or cause to multiply their reach, and ultimately, their greater impact.
Illustration by relajaelcoco.